Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Prenuptial Agreements: Potential Benefits for Couples Who Stay Married

It is made between spouses before they marry or enter into a civil partnership which establishes how they wish their assets to be divided if they should divorce or have their civil partnership dissolved.

Promotes Honest Communication about the Couple’s Finances
Act of creating a prenuptial agreement lead the couple to honest and complete communication about what they own and what they owe. With that knowledge, the spouses can work together to create a financial strategy that is beneficial to them as a married couple.

 Useful Estate Planning Tool
A prenuptial agreement can be a useful part of a couple’s estate plan. For example, a pre-nuptial agreement can be used by a spouse to sign away his or her rights to be the beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement plan. This is particularly important if the spouse is required by law to be a beneficiary of such a policy absent an agreement otherwise. A prenuptial contract can also be used by a spouse to sign away his or her rights to the statutory spousal share of the other spouse’s property when the spouse passes away.

Include Rules
It includes all the rules governing the ownership and use of assets during the marriage and the settlement of said assets in the event that the marriage is dissolved.

Protection from Accrued Debts
Not everyone getting married has large assets. In fact, many people choose to get married despite the fact one party in the relationship has an unreliable finance history. In this situation prenuptial agreements can protect the other party in the relationship from previously accrued debts.

• It also protects the disputes and apprehension between the parties about the division of assets.
• It is also used to preserve inherited family wealth.
• It is very useful for the couples to enter into pre nuptial agreement before the marriage.
• It will keep the cordial relation between the spouses.
• It also minimizes the injustice between spouses.
• Each couple must describe in great the detail his assets in the pre nuptial agreement.
• This will help the parties to ascertain which party owns what before the marriage.
• Mostly, the disputes between the spouses occurred on the financial assets. It also strengthens the family relationship and provides the more pleasure to the matrimonial life.
• It is an important document because it determines the ownership of the assets.
• Couples can freely earn or buy anything without the fear that their asset will be divided equally.
• This agreement stops the operation of rule of division of assets on equal basis.

Governing law
Ireland do not have legislation on pre-nuptial agreements.

• Strength family relations
• Determine ownership of assets
• Protect from debts
• Useful estate planning tool

Reason to buy from Net Lawman
The prenuptial agreement from Net Lawman provides you a comprehensive range of agreements that save your time and can be amended accordingly as and when required.


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