Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is it true your obligations transfer to new owner after novation agreement?

Novation is the creation of a new obligation in the place of an old one, by which the parties agree that a new obligator will be substituted to perform the duties, agreed upon by the old contract. So yes you as business owner are released of all the obligations of paying debt, or completing an assignment and some cases paying of your car. The original obligor meanwhile is released from performing those duties. It can be best described as a document which validates continuation of unfinished project, debt, credits of the business if its ownership changes hands. Need for this document arise when forceful or deliberate sale of a business takes place, and new business owner is willing to continue the running projects agreements with contractors.

Novation Agreement wipe out an old contract and create a new one. Novation agreements can be either objective (meaning that the parties substitute a new contract duty for an old one), or subjective (meaning that a new party is substituted for an old one but contract remain the same with the exception of few clauses.)

If the deed of assignment contract is subjective, the new, substituted party must perform the old party's duties, and the new party also has the right to all benefits owed to the old party under the original contract. Subjective novation also releases the original parties from all duties and extinguishes all rights under the old contract.

What Are the Elements Of A Valid Novation?
In order to have a valid novation, the party asserting it must show that:
• There was a prior valid obligation.
• All of the parties affected by the new contract must agree to the new contract.
• The new contract must clearly show the intention by the parties to discharge the prior obligation.
• The new contract itself must be a valid contract (i.e. it has all of the elements of a valid contract).

The criteria for a successful novation is the complete acceptance of the liability by the new debtor, the acceptance of the new debtor by the creditor, and the acceptance by the outgoing creditor of the new contract as full performance of the old contract. Common usage of transfer of novation agreement takes place in following scenarios.
• Mortgage
• Debts
• Car lease
• Construction
• Services industry
• Personal assignments
• Sale and purchase of assets/Business

Contrary to assignment, novation requires the consent of all parties. Consideration is still required for the new contract but it is usually assumed to be the discharge of the former contract.

Why novation can be difficult
When a contract is novated, the other (original) contracting party must be left in the same position as he was in prior to the novation being made. So novation requires the agreement of all three parties. While obtaining the agreement of the transferor and transferee is easy, obtaining the agreement of the other original party can be more difficult:

• The other original party may not understand the benefit to him of having the original contract novated and require extra information about the process that is time consuming to provide.
• He may need extra assurance to be persuaded that he won't be worse off as a result of the novation (especially common where the novation transfers service contracts between suppliers).
• It is possible that he could play up to delay the transfer and squeeze extra concessions from you.

What happens in case of multiple customers get affected by the agreement
In case of service providers where thousands of customers benefit from your service it is very difficult to persuade every single customer about your sale. So a well-drawn original agreement will contain a provision which permits the service provider to assign (transfer his contract) without the permission of the customer. The deal is then done in the hope that the customers stay with the new owner. The buyer can obtain an indemnity from the seller to cover his loss if many leave. Or the buyer will write to the customers to encourage them to stay. Also the customers might simply make the next payment and thereby confirm acceptance in law. In each of those cases, the new owner will be safe because the customers remain (or become) bound to the terms of the original contract.

Novation agreement in writing
This agreement is suitable in following situations
• Transferring service contracts.
• When either party is resident outside the Australia.
• Ensures a legal transfer as it is drawn as an agreement between all parties.
• Comprehensive provisions provide ideas for you to mold.
The novation agreement contains the following sections:
• Details of the parties.
• Indemnity clause to protect both parties from loss, damage or legal liability once the contract is transferred.
• The novation.
• Existing claims: sets out how outstanding claims against the transferor will be dealt with.
• Other usual legal provisions.


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