Sunday, May 27, 2012

When to use a confidentiality agreement?

A confidentiality agreement is a legal contract between employer and employee and among organizations. You (employer) agree to disclose certain information to them (employees) for a specific purpose and in return they agree to not disclose that information to anyone else. It is also refer to non-discloser agreement in USA.

Why need a confidentially agreement:
You need a confidentially agreement when you have information that you need to give to someone (employees or business partners), but you don't want them to pass that information to anyone else.

When to use a confidentiality agreement:
This agreement is used in various circumstances, including when intellectual property is at issue, when a business wants to hire a contractor discreetly, or when the recipient needs certain proprietary information to do their job. Because some information is valuable, especially intellectual property, and because revealing or publicly disclosing the information can result in losing some legal protections, confidentiality agreements are often an important and necessary part of doing business.

Clauses of a confidentiality agreement:
  • Nondisclosure and nonuse
All confidentiality agreements contain a covenant of non disclosure agreement. Drafters occasionally neglect, however, to include a covenant of nonuse. If the recipient is in a position to use the confidential information in competition with the owner, a covenant of nondisclosure to third parties will achieve only half of the protection desired.
  • Acknowledgment of confidentiality
An acknowledgment of confidentiality or trade secret status, while not binding on a court or jury, constitutes evidence upon which the owner may rely in asserting its exclusive proprietary rights. It also has the practical advantage that neither the parties who sign confidentiality agreements nor those who pass judgment on disputes find it palatable to assert, or allow to be asserted, the opposite from that which one has previously admitted in writing.
  • Acknowledgment of irreparable harm
In most trade secret cases, the plaintiff seeks an injunction against use or disclosure of the confidential information.To obtain an injunction the plaintiff must show irreparable harm. Although irreparable harm often will be presumed in trade secret cases, an owner of confidential information may wish to bolster its position by extracting a prelitigation acknowledgment of irreparable harm and ofplaintiff’s entitlement to an injunction.
  • Duration
Confidentiality obligations normally are not intended to come to an end with termination of the relationship which occasioned the disclosure of the confidential information: on the contrary, they usually are intended to last as long as the information is confidential.
  • Notification of Subpoena, CompulsoryProcess
 Subpoenas or other compulsory court process often call for production of records which contain trade secrets. These trade secrets are not protected from disclosure unless the owner or the person from whom disclosure is sought makes a special showing, usually by way of a motion for a protective order, that the owner’s interest in secrecy outweighs the need for disclosure in the particular.
  • Ownership of confidentiality
  • Notification of other employmentchoice of law
  • Attorney’s fees
  • Return of documentswhen the relationship ends
These are all very important clausesthat comeunder aconfidentiallyagreement.
Under what circumstances, a confidential agreement is not binding:
  • Information is in the public domain at the time of disclosure
  • Information which, after its discloser, enter the public domain by lawful or proper publication
  • Information which the recipient party is required to disclose by law
  • Any offensive act, fraud, deception by the disclosing party
  • Any act, against the law
  • Any act that may harm nation’s interest at large
  • After the termination, you are not binding to the confidentiality agreement( check the law for particular situations)
  • The termination of the confidentially agreement between both parties under a mutual consideration or negotiation
  • In case when the other party has passed away
What law says about confidentiality agreement?
There is no ruling law on the subject (despite that the Law Commission produced a draft Bill on the subject as long ago as 1981: Law Comm No 110, Breach Of Confidence, Cmnd 8388) so there are very few hard and fast rules that govern by law in confidentiality agreements. However, the Official Secrets Act 1989, the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 are also subjected to the terms and conditions of confidentially agreement either between employer and employee or in between organizations whether small or large.

Net lawman offers such a comprehensive and exact legal aid in “breach of Confidentiality Contract” or in issues in which you are not binding to follow a confidential agreement. The legal documents of Net lawman encompass and are applicable for almost all type of issues which comes under confidentiality agreement.  These documents cover all possible rights of employer and employees both in small and big companies.


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