Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why Should you Consider a Prenuptial Agreement?

Pre nuptial is agreement that is made between the couples before the marriage to decide the issues about assets. It is used to preserve the property which is owned by the individual party prior to the marriage. It is the beauty of the document that it not only protects the current assets but also protect the future assets. Your plan for all sorts of things in life that are pretty unpleasant like your Will and life insurance, so why not think about a prenuptial agreement. Mostly, the disputes between the couples arise on the financial matters. So, prenuptial agreement provides the solutions to all financial matters. It promotes the healthier relationship between the couples. It guarantees that relationship is entirely based on love and parties want to continue the relationship without considering the each other assets.
Net Lawman provides the comprehensive pre nup agreement. Such as:

The ante nuptial agreement also provides the chance to couples to negotiate all the issues prior to the marriage. So that, taste of their marriage cannot be diminish. It ensures the smooth running of the married life. Each couple must enter into prenuptial agreement before the marriage because it ensures the successful, happier and lovely matrimonial life.

Pre nuptial agreement give the opportunity the party to decide their assets otherwise their assets will be divided equally between them. Prenuptial agreement supports the matrimonial relation because marriage is not only a physical or emotional bond, but it is also a financial union. Each party must describe his assets in great detail into the agreement. Prenuptial agreement is also known as pre marital, ante nuptial agreement.

What is law about pre nuptial agreement?
The pre nup agreement in the Australia are called binding financial agreements. Prenup agreements are legally enforceable in Australia. Family Law Act 1975 validates the pre nup agreements in Australia. It allows the couples to enter binding financial agreement before the marriage to decide the issues about divisions of their assets. It is the legal requirement that both the couples must seek the independent legal advice before entering into pre nup agreement. If both parties have failed to do so then the agreement will not be legally binding. The court has power to declare this agreement invalid if circumstances have changed making the agreement impracticable to be carried out.

For a pre-nuptial / financial agreement to be legally binding, both couples must:-
• Signed the agreement in the presence of witness; and
• Receive the independent legal and financial advice about the implication of the agreement.

You can cover all issues in pen up agreement like the division of assets and spousal support arrangements. This agreement must be drafted in accordance with section 90B of the Family  Law Act 1975. Be sure to sign plenty of time before the marriage so that it can be proven that the contract was not signed under pressure.

Application and features
• Suitable for any couple, about to be married;
• Written in plain English – no legal jargon;
• Explanatory notes to guide you at every stage;
• Back up support and advice available;
• DIY today, no solicitor’s fees

Prenuptial Agreement
Suitable for any people getting married in the future. Includes references to financial accounts, houses, other property, furniture, utility bills.


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